指導: 仙北谷
参加: Greg Pun]
稽古内容: 礼法、稲妻、押し抜き、除け身
基本に忠実にゆっくりと丁寧に何度も何度も繰り返し稽古をいたしました。 グレッグさんは合気道の有段者な為、後ろ足の撞木と斬りつけた際に姿勢が前傾になる癖があるので、その点に重点を置いて稽古を行いました。 次の稽古は木曜日の朝稽古になります。
Tuesday 19 July 2011
Vancouver, BC, Canada
I was very happy today to practice iaido with Kenny Sensei. Today was the second practice with him. Our first practice was Sunday 17 July. On Sunday, we went to a local budo-ya, called Aoi Budogu, in Burnaby. I bought a juban and dogi. I already own a hakama and tabi because of my Yoshinkan Aikido practice. On Sunday, Kenny Sensei showed me again #1-5 waza. These waza are ones that Takamura Sensei showed to me (and others) when he came to Vancouver in January 2011. Today, Kenny Sensei and I practised from 700-830 am. We practised Torei, Inazuma #1, and Oshinuki #2. Kenny Sensei is helping me to learn some different style of movement from Yoshinkan Aikido. For example, in aikido, we hold our body on a small angle with a forward feeling. But in Tamiya-ryu, the body must be kept vertical. Because I am a beginner in Tamiya-ryu, I find this position difficult. Also, the position of feet in Tamiya-ryu is very different from Yoshinkan Aikido feet position. In Tamiya-ryu, it is necessary to keep the feet parallel and on parallel lines about 1 first apart. In Yoshinkan Aikido, we keep our feet on a single line with eh toes pointed outwards. So again, I find this part of Tamiya-ryu difficult. But it is interesting to me to learn that two completely different body positions are both good positions. It depends on our purpose.
朝稽古前に昨日借りたレンタカーをガスタウンに返し、チャイナタウンを抜け、稽古場である日本語学校に向かいました。 空気が澄んでいてとても気持ちが良かったです。 その際の写真をUPします。
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