参加者: 仙北谷、Greg、Tygh
稽古内容: 礼法、稲妻(1本目)、押し抜き(2本目)、3本目(除け身)
本日の稽古は1本目~3本目を続けて行い、その後はGregさん、Tyghさんのチームでお互いの技の問題点、注意点を細かく確認しながら稽古を行いました。 また、仮想敵を感じ、その緊張感の中での太刀さばきを行う事で、心の修練にも心がけました。
* 詳解 田宮流居合 14代宗家 妻木正麟著 (黒本) より ↓
居合いとは、日本刀での太刀の抜き方、納め方、撃突、防御などの諸法を居座りのまま行う術である。 そのため居合は抜刀術とも言われた。 元来、武士の嗜みとして、いついかなる場合でも、危機に臨んで、急変に応じ、電光石火一瞬にして敵を制する太刀の遣い方、そして、それに伴う体と心の動きを錬磨する術だったのであります。
Tuesday 26 July 2011
Today was the second practice with Tygh, who is now back from Los Angeles. We are continuing to prepare for Powell Street Festival on Saturday 30 July. The Powell Street Festival schedule and the map of the Festival area are shown in pictures below. Tygh and I will perform Inazuma #1, Oshinuki #2, and Yokemi #3 with Takamura Sensei. So we practised how to do #1, #2, #3 continuously.
We learned some details about #3 Yokemi. For instance, as shown in the first picture, Tygh is partway through #3. At this point, his right knee must be beside his left toes. In the third picture, I am near the beginning of #3. The picture shows three important points about this position: (1) the right leg slides back a little bit, so that the right calf is touching the left foot, (2) the saya is pulled forward so the left hand is in the centre of the body, and (3) the tsuba is above the right eye with the hand in front of the head (in order to protect the head if the opponent attacks).
We also practised some details about Inazuma #1 (no pictures). The details are about the correct sequence of motions from the beginning of the technique. They are: (1) in seiza, take 2 1/2 breaths while looking forward, (2) look at the opponent towards the front right side, bring the left hand to the saya, bring the right hand to the tsuka, (3) use the left thumb to push the tsuba and open the sword from the saya, bring the left knee toward the right knee, raise the hips, bring the toes under the hips, (4) draw the sword halfway out, then turn the saya horizontal, (5) draw the sword so that only the kissaki remains in the saya and at the same time bring the right foot in front, (6) stand up, make a cut with the sword as if to cut the opponent's head from the side, and pull the saya backwards on the hip, which helps remove the saya from the kissaki (this is sayabiki and helps prevent saya from being broken).
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